ASCE Student Night Banquet
Get a chance to network with local professionals and CEE faculty at the ASCE Banquet hosted by the Truckee Meadows Branch. Attendance is highly recommended!
Cost at door: $20/person, cash recommended

Passion Presentation
Present on a topic your are passionate about and learn about other member’s interests!
St. Patrick’s Snacks and Beverages will be available!

March Chapter Meeting - New Fields Presentation
Join us for our March Chapter Meeting for event updates and a guest presentation from New Fields!
Food will be provided
Location: WRB 130

Civil FE Review (3/6)
Discipline: Geotechnical
Professor: Dr. Motamed
Zoom: https://unr.zoom.us/j85734972050?pwd=Nk5IZTVDYUEza3UrUkduSjRvQkpIUT09
Meeting ID: 857 3497 2050
Passcode: 011279
ASCE is hosting Civil FE exam reviews for six different topics
Even if you aren't taking your FE exam soon this is a great opportunity to learn what to expect on the exam.
[Tues, Wed, Thurs evening for the next two weeks]

Civil FE Review (4/6)
Discipline: Environmental
Professor: Dr. Marchand
Zoom: https://unr.zoom.us/j/82200968437
Meeting ID: 822 0096 8437
ASCE is hosting Civil FE exam reviews for six different topics
Even if you aren't taking your FE exam soon this is a great opportunity to learn what to expect on the exam.

Civil FE Review (5/6)
Discipline: Structural
Professor: Dr. Ryan
Zoom: https://unr.zoom.us/j/82200968437
Meeting ID: 822 0096 8437
ASCE is hosting Civil FE exam reviews for six different topics
Even if you aren't taking your FE exam soon this is a great opportunity to learn what to expect on the exam.

Civil FE Review (6/6)
Discipline: Construction
Professor: Tom Nichols
Zoom: https://unr.zoom.us/j/82200968437
Meeting ID: 822 0096 8437
ASCE is hosting Civil FE exam reviews for six different topics
Even if you aren't taking your FE exam soon this is a great opportunity to learn what to expect on the exam.

Civil FE Review (2/6)
Discipline: Transportation
Professor: Dr. Park
Zoom: https://unr.zoom.us/j/82200968437
Meeting ID: 822 0096 8437
ASCE is hosting Civil FE exam reviews for six different topics!
Even if you aren't taking your FE exam soon this is a great opportunity to learn what to expect on the exam.
[Tues, Wed, Thurs evening for the next two weeks]

Civil FE Review (1/6)
Discipline: Water Resources
Professor: Dr. Dennett
Zoom: https://unr.zoom.us/j/88922763231?pwd=YWZUMlNhQk5DVU9BSGl1SGFCNUVLdz09
Meeting ID: 889 2276 3231
Passcode: 975368
ASCE is hosting Civil FE exam reviews for six different topics
Even if you aren't taking your FE exam soon this is a great opportunity to learn what to expect on the exam.
[Tues, Wed, Thurs evening for the next two weeks]

Passion Presentation
Present on a topic your are passionate about and learn about other member’s interests! Celebrate the Thanksgiving Break with pie and cider!

Beginner AutoCAD Workshop with FarrWest (4)
Gain hands-on, one-on-one training from engineers in today’s workforce!
Workshop 4 Topics:
Additional drafting exercises
How to use an engineering scale

Beginner AutoCAD Workshop with FarrWest (3)
MUST HAVE REGISTERED IN ADVANCE WITH DR. WIESER (SEM 124H). Must have registered for all 4 sessions (Wednesdays at 5-7pm: 10/26, 11/2, 11/9, 11/16). Will be held in WPEB 101
Gain hands-on, one-on-one training from engineers in today’s workforce!
Workshop 3 Topics:
Hatching/Trimming, additional layer control, best clean drawing practices

Beginner AutoCAD Workshop with FarrWest (2)
MUST HAVE REGISTERED IN ADVANCE WITH DR. WIESER (SEM 124H). Must have registered for all 4 sessions (Wednesdays at 5-7pm: 10/26, 11/2, 11/9, 11/16). Will be held in WPEB 101
Gain hands-on, one-on-one training from engineers in today’s workforce!
Workshop 2 Topics:
Layer Control - layer management and properties
Layouts, Viewports, External References, Blocks

Nevada Infrastructure Concrete Conference
The Nevada Infrastructure Concrete conference will be on November 2, 2022 from 7am to 3:45pm at the Atlantis. If you are interested in structural engineering this will be a great conference to attend. Additionally, our nationally ranked concrete canoe from last year (Azure) will be on display!
MUST HAVE REGISTERED IN ADVANCE! (Registration due: October 13th)

Beginner AutoCAD Workshop with FarrWest (1)
MUST HAVE REGISTERED IN ADVANCE WITH DR. WIESER (SEM 124H). Must register for all 4 sessions (Wednesdays at 5-7pm: 10/26, 11/2, 11/9, 11/16). Will be held in WPEB 101
Gain hands-on, one-on-one training from engineers in today’s workforce!
Workshop 1 Topics:
Basic drawing commands - Line/Polyline, Circle, Spline
Basic action commands - Move, rotate, trim/extend, offset
Model Space v. Paper Space

CME Office Tour!
UNR ASCE/AGC is hosting a Technical Office Tour with CME (Construction Materials Engineers, Inc). CME Is a leader in inspection and material testing services in Northern Nevada, to learn more about them, check their website! This technical tour will be a great opportunity to meet professionals, talk with administration, explore the laboratory and observe materials testing! Food and a raffle will be provided! Please sign up through this Google Form!
This event is highly recommended and will be lots of fun so be sure to clear your schedules!

Jensen Precast Plant Tour
Join us for Precast Plant tour as part of Precast Days 2022! This will be a great opportunity to get an up-close look at the precast concrete manufacturing process. This tour will demonstrate the equipment and technology that goes into precast concrete products!
Bringing PPE is encouraged, food and drink will be provided after plant tour.
Each tour is 1 hour long (at 10am, 11am, 12pm, and 1pm).

Ferrari Farms Pumpkin Patch Social!
Enjoy the fall season with us at our Pumpkin Patch Social! Carpool can be provided, please fill out this Google Form in advance to sign up!

Nevada Infrastructure Concrete Conference Registration Due
If you interested in attending NICC please complete the registration by October 13th! To register, fill out this Google Form.
The Nevada Infrastructure Concrete conference will be on November 2, 2022 from 7am to 3:45pm at the Atlantis. If you are interested in structural engineering this will be a great conference to attend. Additionally, our nationally ranked concrete canoe from last year (Azure) will be on display!

October General Meeting
Join us for our General Chapter meeting at 6:30pm in SEM 101! We will have pizza and a guest speaker from J-U-B Engineers. Learn more about J-U-B on their website!